News & Our Meetings
SPMBC general meetings are open to the public and we love to have visitors. Most often someone will have one or two of their bulldogs along, and someone will always be happy to sit and talk to you about this unique breed.
Meetings are held usually the third Saturday of the month, at All Breed Obedience Training in Woodbury, except as noted in the list just below. All Breed is located at 2357 Ventura Drive, Woodbury, MN 55125, two minutes south of 494 at the Lake Road exit. It's on the other side of 494 from the big Woodwinds hospital complex.

Please check the club's Facebook page the day of the meeting for updates in case the meetings have to cancelled due to weather.
If temperatures are foretasted to be above 75 degrees, we request that you leave your Bulldog at home.
Bulldogs are welcome to come to our meetings. Rules of the school are that ALL dogs are to be on-leash at all times.
January 18, 2025 (Saturday) - Board Meeting 2:00PM (Zoom)/General Meeting 3:00PM (Zoom)
February 15, 2025 (Saturday) - General Meeting 3:00PM (Zoom)
March 15, 2025 - (Saturday) - General Meeting 3:00PM (Zoom)
April 19, 2025 (Saturday) - Board Meeting 2:00PM/General Meeting 3:00PM (Easter Egg Hunt after General Meeting)
May 17, 2025 (Saturday) - General Meeting NOON (Annual Club Puppy Picnic after General Meeting)
June 2025 - NO MEETING
July 12, 2025 (Saturday) - Board Meeting 2:00PM/General Meeting 3:00PM
July 18-20, 2025 - SPMBC Annual Specialty Show (Crowne Plaza Minneapolis West - Plymouth
August 16, 2025 (Saturday) - General Meeting 3:00PM
September 20, 2025 (Saturday) - General Meeting 3:00PM
October 18, 2025 (Saturday) - Board Meeting 3:00PM (Zoom)
October 25, 2025 (Saturday) - General Meeting 3:00PM (Annual Halloween Party follows General Meeting)
November 15, 2025 (Saturday) - General Meeting (Elections)
December 2025 - NO MEETING
Puppy Scam?
Our most common contact is from people who are looking to buy a bulldog puppy, and we happily send them our list of SPMBC member breeders, who have signed the club's Breeder's Code of Ethics. But... we've also had half a dozen sad e-mails from people seeking a puppy, who have said that they had high hopes of getting a nice pup at a really good price, and have sent a "breeder" a deposit of $600 or more... and there was no puppy. Believe it or not, there are people out there who are so nasty and unscrupulous as to set up a fake webpage, steal some puppy pics from elsewhere, advertise on free sites, and take your money. Probably the scammers never had any puppies - just a scam.
We've looked at some of these sites, and the pics are darling. But the text is kind of odd. Sometimes it looks as if it's written by someone with no great command of English, sometimes it's sentences that seem to be taken from some other website and stuck together. Look carefully. If there is no physical address, not even a state, and no way to contact the "breeder" other than a form to fill out, be wary. Especially if there is a "50% off!" or "free shipping" notation and so on. Western Union and MoneyGram payment are another tipoff.
By the way, airlines will generally NOT ship a bulldog or other short-faced dog because the dogs fare badly in the uncontrolled conditions of a cargo hold. No airline will take an unaccompanied pet in a carrier (and a bullie puppy big enough to leave its momma will be more than 15 pounds, too big to go in the cabin anyway). Please don't try to buy outside of your local area unless you plan to drive to the breeder and back.
Most likely it's all breeds, not only bullie pup buyers, who fall prey to these sorts of scams but there are two things to remember if you want a bulldog pup: one, there is no such thing as a cheap purebred bulldog, or even a "really good price" for one. And two, never ever give up any money until you have seen your future pup at the breeder's house, met the breeder, been satisfied that the sale is real and that the breeder is honest and meets bulldog breeder standards.
You can find out a lot more by simply searching on "puppy scam" on Google, Bing or other search engine. This one is a particularly good resource.